Montura Prestige X-Goge de doma

Montura Prestige X-Goge de doma
Código: MPR020
Marca: Prestige

The DOGE Dressage saddles have been updated. The changes affect their design, now more appealing, and their technical characteristics. The most important novelty concerns the tree. It features X-TECHNOLOGY which, for the first time, has three elastic membranes. The two rear membranes are positioned near the rider’s ischia while the front one is close to the pubic area. The whole assembly provides the rider with excellent comfort. The seat is extremely deep and thanks to X-TECHNOLOGY an “in-out” effect is obtained that never impedes the rider in his/her movements. The panels are entirely new, free (not integrated with the underflaps), and fit perfectly with horses’ differing anatomies. They have an anatomic form and afford greater freedom of movement to the horse’s shoulders and to the trapezius muscle. The greater flatness of the panels about their centre ensures that the saddle is more stable, while the bearing surface is broader giving better weight distribution. They are fitted with X-TECHNOLOGY, comprising a honeycomb elastic membrane and a layer of soft rubber that replace the use of felt to give additional “close contact”. Both the rider and the horse enjoy greater comfort and, as a result, they function better as a team

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